Frequently Asked Questions

  • The BioML Society was founded in January 2023.

    In Spring 2023, the meetings included chalk talks on the members’ research, guest lectures from professors, and rich collaborative discussion on projects.

    In Summer of 2023, the meetings primarily took the form of organizational growth and a textbook reading club for Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed. draft) by Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin. We spent time building out a collection of resources (datasets, models, methods) for research relevant to BioML, and began allocating research projects to our members eager to work in this space.

    In the Fall 2023 we taught a seminar course on Machine Learning for Biochemical Applications. You can learn more here.

  • UT Austin General Meetings:

    Thursdays 11am - 12pm

    MBB 3.204

    Please see this link for an up-to-date shedule

  • If you are a researcher at UT Austin, just pop by one of our meetings. We welcome bright and driven researchers from any field, so long as you are curious and/or interested in applying machine learning to tackle great problems in the life sciences.

  • If you are a student, you can either request to become an affiliate member, or you can create a branch of the BioML Society at your institution.

    As an affiliate member, you will have access to our virtual research seminar meetings. These occur every few months, and as an affiliate member you will be allowed to join the presentation schedule if you wish.

    However, if this doesn’t quite scratch your itch, we would be happy to help you kickstart a branch of the BioML Society at your university. Our primary aim is connecting researchers in this field to one another.

    For both of these inquiries, please contact us and we will be in touch.

  • We would be happy to have you come tell us about your research. Please note that we prioritize scheduling professors and industry scientists over graduate students and post-doctoral students.

    Contact us and we can discuss logistics (virtual vs in-person).

  • We are currently open to funding from industry & institutional partners.

    Please contact us to learn more.